Fund is always available for outstanding applicants!

Please read the following instructions carefully.

Would you like to join us?

If you are interested or have had experience in applying any technique or theory (e.g., stochastic processes, queuing theory, optimization, machine learning, etc.) to improve distributed software systems, eager to conduct quality and impactful research and have a strong background in Computer Science or Software Engineering, then you are in the right place. 🙂

You may initiate the process as below:

Send an email with the following specs:

  • To:
  • Subject Format: prospective-[BSc|MSc|PhD|Postdoc]-[Fall|Winter|Summer]-[Year] (eg. prospective-PhD-Fall-2023)
  • Attachments: CV and Transcripts
  • Your CV may include the following:
    • Educations
    • CGPA and the last two semesters' GPA
    • Interests and expertise
    • Language and GRE band score (if available)
    • Publications (if applicable)
  • Email Content: Briefly introduce yourself and state why you are interested in joining the PACS lab. Please note that you need to convince me that you are familiar with and interested in the type of research that we do in the Lab.

What is next?

Well, if you follow the instructions, the subject's format in particular, you will get a reply from me in a timely manner.

Undergraduate Students

During summer, I accept a limited number of undergraduate students to work on active projects.
I will top-up the following award to make a decent salary for admitted students.